Wednesday, 27 January 2010


I saw the film Un PropheteItalic this eve (apologies for the missing accent, I cannae paste it in. Boo! But at least I know it's missing. The Academie Francaise (also missing its' accent for same reason) need not be alerted) and it inspired me to think of consciousness and what it can mean to us at different times.

Its an intriguing concept, as consciousness doesn't mean the same thing to us at different times. And lo, I hear the baying crowd say "like, no shit, like, mate, like"... Indeed it is somewhat self-evident pointing this out, yet I feel its an observation that I want to state. One can see how the mind is so magnificent, so adaptable and how we, possessors of said mind, also are adaptable enough to work both within and at times beyond its parameters. We have maleable minds.

The kind of consciousness I want to experience or need to experience whilst say, driving a car, is totally different from when, for example, I sit on a sofa with friends for many hours, laughing, drinking, being merry, generally high on life... Yet both co-exist within the one mind/body/vessel and both can function as and when I choose. But how far can one push more hedonistic behaviour until it impinges permanently on the requisite daily and necessary hum-drum functions? I don't know.

The gamate of feelings one can experience (both positive and negative), plus the things we put in our bodies, plus our knowledge, plus our life experiences, plus our conscious and unconscious urges, plus our personalities etc etc can seemingly all be dropped into the rather large melting pot that is our mind, then we give it a whirl and see what comes out... its amazing!!

In the film, the main protaganists way of 'succeeding' made me think of how I have used the afore-mentioned mixture to deal with things I've encountered and by-and-large, I seem to have done mostly alright, on an 'experiential' level (... if that is even a word *blushes*).

This is wile serious! Perhaps the equivalent of thinking out aloud going on here.... Need to reign it in... Or sleep on it and let an understanding develop of what I want to say.... schucks.

Adam Green - I shall see him play tomorrow. He is a gent that makes me wanna explore the minds' possibilities... a terrrr-billl mannn, yet multi-faceted like every other human being - should be a rather spiffing night. "ARUBA - JAMAICA - OOOOH I WANNA TAKE YA..."

off the Florida Quays....

"L'homme est la seule creature qui refuse d'etre ce qu'elle est" - Albert Camus

--- FIN ----

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